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Get the most out of Canopy.
Our custom automations and process engineering drastically reduce client work, repetitive tasks, and data errors across your firm.

Streamline Canopy workflows.
Canopy's workflow automation is powerful, but mastering it takes time. Genwise builds custom templates and tailored automation to match your firm. We create custom Canopy workflow templates for client onboarding, tax preparation, and other key processes.

Eliminate data silos and gain insights.
Tax preparation relies on accurate and accessible data. Genwise builds robust integrations between Canopy and your essential tools, like your tax software and data-gathering tools. Think real-time client updates flowing into Canopy, robust data analysis providing clear insights, and eliminating manual data entry. Break down data silos, improve collaboration, and make informed decisions faster.
Hands-on team training.
Empower your team and maximize Canopy's potential. Genwise provides comprehensive onboarding, personalized coaching, and ongoing support in addition to the Canopy team. Increase adoption, drive productivity, and maximize your team's efficiency.

See whose automating.
Karl Grimmett, CPA
Partner & CEO, DrillDown Solution
Christel Gustafson, CPA
Partner, Vine Financial Partners
Get the most out of Canopy.
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